because you asked about, that's the answer
Since years we struggle with the lack of good quality pictures from the manufacturers. It looks like the bloke who took the picture had no photographic sense, no better camera than his mobile phone or no knowledge about motorcycles at all. We still cannot explain why. Our favourite quote is: "can you do better?" YES, WE CAN. Starting with January 2012 we launch an European campaign which you can call "all our suppliers will have professional pictures or else". Or what? Or the market will decide. Our offer: we'll take pictures of everything you make at 50% discount of any other E.U. usual price (on invoice of course). How: a 2 people team which will come and stay at your factory or warehouse with a professional mobile photo studio and the best gear in the industry for how long as it takes to do the job. "Team" is not a photographer and a clumsy assistent. Both people can take pictures at highest professional level, at least one of them can ride any bike on any weather or surface needed to make taking pictures of your products as expressive as they need to be. More than that, at least one of our team will have the proper tools and knowledge to install anything you produce on any bike (YES, FROM RACE SCREENS TO CAMSHAFTS) being given the fact you'll provide the necessary mounting parts and accessories. If you will need pictures of installed parts on your customers' bikes, we'll go to take them. How much: cheapest than your russian packing guy, only maybe (we'll require that we can also use the pictures taken on our own website. they will be normally sized for internet use and any every single one watermaked with our brand to protect your copyright. that's the point of the 50% discount. nobody likes to work for free).Lower you can see pictures we take everyday for our shop (imagine what we can do for money not having oil on our hands and using better gear than the camera which sits under the desk near the baseball bat). Yes, the key is that we need better pictures as much as you do. And, afterall, it's winter. We all need some action, don't we?
pictures are not modified more than "auto levels" and watermarked.
all images are Profoto Agency trade mark, reproduction in any kind is forbidden without written permission.